Every Citizen watch will feature the Citizen logo on the watch face, inspect the logo to see if it is the official logo and if the print quality is high. On the back of the watch case, it should be engraved with serial and model numbers, you should be able to match those to the ones on the user manual. If the watch came with a user manual, check that carefully for errors in logos, spelling and dates. How to Avoid Buying Fake Citizen Watches?Ĭheck the watch manual for the correct model and serial numbers.How To Tell If Your Citizen Watch Is Real.After this, you'll be able to spot fake watches from miles away. Watch out for sellers with steep discounts of 60% and over especially during periods when there aren't any large holiday sales on. The easiest way to ensure you purchase a real Citizen watch is to purchase one from a reputable seller like Watch Depot. Are you wondering how to tell if your Citizen watch is real? We’ll take you through all the ways you can identify a real and fake Citizen watch.